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Mother’s Day 2023

Mother’s Day 2023

Just ten days ago, I wasn’t sure what this year’s celebration would hold for me.  Each year, my heart feels the break from missing my mom and that’ll never change.

But this year, I didn’t have time to be sad.  I was scared for my baby dog’s life.  If you’ve been following along, our best guess is that Archie was bitten by a brown recluse. We have never had anything more than a bee on this property in 20+ years.  This is just a wild guess.

I was on the horn immediately to my vet sending him videos and photos the minute I saw Archie’s swollen neck. 

I am beyond grateful to my veterinarian, Dr. Geoff Berthiaume and his wife Dr. Sarah Marzke Berthiaume.  They are my team.  My people. Day or night.  Like family to me.   

Together, Dr. B. created a game plan and we stayed in touch.  A lot. I need my hand held in times like this. I’m a helicopter mom when it’s warranted.

Cultures. Antibiotics. Packing and dressing the wound. Photos. Constant assessment. Vet visit. And worry.  Always in the back of my mind worrying that my baby’s first birthday and my first Mother’s Day with him might have a whole different outcome.

Because of our combined efforts and Dr. B’s constant guidance, I’m facing my first Mother’s Day with Archie who is almost healed and we’re on the home stretch!

I faced some pretty scary shit this week and had to kick into mom/nurse/ fearless warrior gear.

And then it hit me tonight as I wrapped up the day after Archie’s first birthday shenanigans.  It’s MY MOM who gave me those big balls of confidence to face anything.  She was a “pull up your bootstraps” kind of woman.  Italian to the core. My mom has been with me in spirit this week fueling me with strength, nerve and determination. I was a shit show of big energy a time or two this week but nothing venting, yoga and acupuncture couldn’t remedy.

So here we are today. Ten days later. The look of joy on my baby dog’s face says it all. I’m patting myself on the back for a job well done not only this past week but for this entire year of raising him. I’ve raised a nice boy.

And to my mom, wherever she is in heaven bossing the show, I am grateful to her for all of those lessons in strength, determination and resilience. I can face anything life throws at me.

Happy Mother’s Day 2023 to all of you!
